
Image Upload Guidelines


If you are having trouble with the upload, the image file size may be too large. If you make sure your images are no more than 3 Mb this shouldn't be an issue.


Uploading images to ARTsala is easy. You will upload images every time you add a new piece of art (or create a new edition) and when you are setting up your profile.

Below are some basic guidelines for uploading your images.

  1. Quality. Your first consideration in uploading images to ARTsala should be the quality of the image itself. While we can't get into the finer points of taking a good photo of your art, you will find some helpful guidelines for photographing art on Xanadu Gallery's website. Remember, no matter how good your website looks, or how well organized your art is, if your photo is bad, the likelihood of sparking interest in your work will decrease dramatically.
  2. Sizing. Sizing your image file is also important, but we've tried to take most of the work out of sizing (we do it for you during the upload process). When photographing your art, you should make sure that your camera is set to capture the highest quality image possible. You can then shrink the image if needed, but if you start out with a low-quality, or small image you can never make it better or bigger.

    For your images to display well, make sure they start out at least 600px high x 800px wide at 72 dpi. It's alright if they are larger than this (we'll scale them down during the upload). If the images are smaller than this, they'll look bad on the site.

    If you are having trouble with the upload, the image file size may be too large. If you make sure your images are no more than 3 Mb this shouldn't be an issue.

  3. Color. Make sure the color mode of your image is set to RGB, not CMYK, or some other mode. Check the documentation of your image editing software to see how to do this, or just upload an image and see if it works. It's likely your software defaults to RGB. RGB is a default when saving images for the web. If you ever run into problems displaying your images online, the color mode is a good place to begin troubleshooting.
  4. Variation. Finally, be aware that color varies from monitor to monitor. Unfortunately, there is no way to control for this. If you've done your best to match color, you have a pretty good chance at getting it right for most of your audience.

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